Privacy Policy for Word Sorting Machine by sbytex

Effective Date: October 29, 2023

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Word Sorting Machine („the App“) collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users („User“ or „You“) of the Word Sorting Machine Android application. This Privacy Policy applies to the App and all products and services offered by it.

Information Collection and Use AdMob

The App uses Google AdMob to display banner advertisements. AdMob is an advertising service provided by Google Inc. AdMob may use and collect anonymous identifiers such as Advertising ID (a unique user-resettable identifier) for advertising purposes, including delivering targeted advertisements. Please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy for more information.

Data Security

The App does not collect, store, or share any personal information. All data used and displayed by the App is processed locally on the user’s device.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The App may update this Privacy Policy at any time. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Your Acceptance of These Terms

By using this App, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use the App.

Contacting Me

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices of this App, please contact me at:

This document was last updated on October 29, 2023